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Welcome Reunion Giving Volunteers!

Thank you for volunteering to serve on your class’s reunion gift committee! Your commitment and passion for supporting your alma mater are genuinely appreciated. It’s through your dedication as a donor and volunteer that we can celebrate the strong bonds between our alumni and the remarkable university that unites us all.

First and foremost, please know that all of us at Yale truly appreciate your dedication to solicit your classmates and friends for reunion gifts. The Reunion Giving team is eager to collaborate with you every step of the way to ensure that your experience is not only engaging but also deeply rewarding.

Second, we are excited that you will celebrate your reunion during the For Humanity campaign. Every gift, regardless of size, from you and your classmates, contributes to the campaign’s overarching goal of expanding the university’s ability to affect change in the world. The impact of your generosity will be felt by both faculty and students, enabling them to make a difference that resonates far and wide. The For Humanity website includes links to campaign information and resources you can use in your fundraising. For the latest information on 2024 reunion celebrations, please visit the Yale Alumni website.

This Reunion Giving Volunteers website has a suite of resources to help you understand your role and maximize your success as a peer-to-peer fundraiser. Whether you are currently in your reunion year or looking toward celebrating in the future, we are grateful for your willingness to volunteer your time and talents for Yale.

Thank you for your partnership and support of Yale. We truly couldn’t do it without the dedicated leadership of alumni like you.

Christine M. Seager
Director, Reunion Giving